
We continue to post articles here that cover topics related to Karate, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, and related topics that we feel strongly about. Feel free to enjoy these and please share them with others! Be sure to give us the credit, please.


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Karate

15 February 2024

For many, karate is life…but do you know about karate’s life? Here are 10 interesting facts that you may not have known about the art of karate. 

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Word of the Month: Service

1 February 2024

As Sensei Cody Diesbourg explains, if it weren’t for service and people paying it forward, we wouldn’t have martial arts today.

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Commitment in Martial Arts: How It Works and Tips

14 January 2024

here are many times in life where you must display a level of commitment. In a relationship, in in college or university, or when working towards achieving important goals.

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Word of the Month: Perseverance

1 January 2024

We think it so important that we made “Perseverance” one of our 12 recurring “Words of the month”.

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Helping Others: The Greatest Lesson of Karate

12 December 2023

December is here, and so is the biggest holiday of the year. For many young ones, this means one thing…presents. However…

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Word of the Month: Courtesy

1 December 2023

When parents sign their children up for martial arts classes very often they’re looking for a healthy activity that will also teach their kids respect…

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Compassion: How It Can Help You and Others

15 November 2023

Compassion is unique in that it can be both a tangible and intangible thing. That means that it can be something you can be demonstrated both physically, and mentally.

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Word of the Month: Self-Discipline

1 November 2023

Self-discipline helps us do the work we need to do. It helps us get up in the morning…

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4 Home Exercises To Help With Your Karate Skills

16 October 2023

Karate training does not have to stop at the dojo doors! Achieving the dream of becoming a black belt takes years of determination, goal-setting, and of course, proper exercise. If you are looking to elevate your karate level, you can work on yourself both inside and outside of the dojo. Here are five easy and effective home exercises to help with your karate skills.

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Word of the Month: Courage

1 October 2023

Courage, Aristotle said, is the most important virtue because it guarantees the others…

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Achieving Goals Through Karate: How is it Different?

12 September 2023

Much like those classic all-ages toy commercials, goal-setting benefits those aged 1 to 101. Although the goals and the process of achieving them vary with age, the core benefit is the same. Goals are a way of holding one accountable, determining what one wants in life, and keeping one on track.

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Builing confidence for the next school year

How to Build School Confidence Through Martial Arts for 2024

14 July 2023

Summer is in session…but the new school year is quickly approaching. It’s said that the mindset of a child in the first few months of school can really show the course that they will be on for the remainder of the school year.

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