
We continue to post articles here that cover topics related to Karate, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, and related topics that we feel strongly about. Feel free to enjoy these and please share them with others! Be sure to give us the credit, please.


Word of the Month: Focus

1 September 2024

A key benefit of karate is the way it helps children improve their focus. Learning new techniques, mastering complicated fight sequences and sparring in a ring all require children to pay attention and keep paying attention, in a way they find really fun and rewarding. It’s a classic win-win situation.

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8 Simple and Realistic Self-Care Tips and Ideas

28 August 2024

Practicing self-care is the most important way to help students keep their stress levels low and avoid burnout. Here are 8 simple and realistic self-care tips and ideas that you and your family can implement.

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Summer Fight Camp

1 August 2024

Summer Fight Camp will take place from August 5-9th from 1-4 pm with Sensei Patrick at Bank Street.

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Word of the Month: Honesty

1 August 2024

You are only ever as good as your word, and that’s why honesty is a critical part of our character development program.

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Word of the Month: Confidence

1 July 2024

At Douvris Martial Arts we believe that with the right approach to teaching karate, everyone can increase their confidence…

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2024 Summer Camps

28 June 2024

Take a look at the Douvris Summer Camp schedules

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Grand Opening on Monday, June 24,2024

3 June 2024

Join us on Monday, June 24, 2024 for our grand opening in Rockland!

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New Location: Rockland

2 June 2024

Our Rockland Location opens it’s doors on Monday, June 24, 2024!

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Word of the Month: Excellence

1 June 2024

Excellence is a word that sounds like a destination. But it’s not. It’s a process, an evolution…

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Word of the Month: Responsibility

1 May 2024

One of the important aspects of our character development program at Douvris Martial Arts is that it not only teaches students how to become responsible…

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Word of the Month: Humility

1 April 2024

Some concepts are easy to explain with words. Humility isn’t really one of them. We can talk about it – and we do, as part of our character development program – but in order to help people understand humility, we have to make sure they can experience it.

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Word of the Month: Respect

1 March 2024

Respect is one of the words most often associated with karate, and for a good reason. We care about it a great deal.

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