
Senseis Ben & Robbie and their team are members of the Rockland community and leaders in karate.

Sensei Ben Clarke

Sensei Ben Clarke

In 2005, Sensei Ben began his karate career at Douvris Martial Arts Westboro, instructed by Sensei Domenic Aversa and Sensei Fortunato Aversa. In no time, Sensei Ben fell in love with the sport and knew this is something he wants to do for the rest of his life. At the age of 12, he began to compete at the national and international level. In order to successfully pursue Sport karate, he started to train with the franchise owner, Master John Douvris at Douvris Martial Arts Bank Street. Sensei Ben has won multiple national, international, as well as World Karate Commission (WKC) World Championships in forms, weapons, and point sparring. For 3 years in a row, Sensei Ben competed all across the USA in the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) circuit. The next circuit he would like to compete in is the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO) in Europe.

  • WKC Pan American Champion in point sparring (2020)
  • WKC Pan American Champion in forms (2019)
  • WKC World Champion in point sparring (2017 & 2019)
  • Earned Third Degree Black Belt (2017)
  • Ranked 2nd in the NASKA Circuit (2016 & 2017)
  • WKC World Champion in creative weapons (2015 & 2016)
  • WKC World Champion in synchronized weapons (2014)
  • Over 15 WKC National Titles
  • And more…

Ever since Sensei Ben can remember, he has always dreamt of opening his own karate school. In 2018, he received an offer of a lifetime to open Douvris Martial Arts Orleans. His goal as a franchise owner is to create a positive close-knit community and deliver his knowledge and passion for karate.

Besides running a karate school and competing, he is currently studying Business Entrepreneurship at Algonquin College to learn and improve the way he runs his dojo. He also enjoys travelling the world and spending his time outdoors snowboarding, skating, hiking, biking etc.

Sensei Robbie Lavoie

Sensei Robbie Lavoie

Robbie Lavoie started martial arts in 1991 under Sensei John & Sensei Peter Douvris at Douvris Martial Arts.

Robbies goal at that young age of 5 was to become a ninja turtle.

Robbie fell in love with the competitive aspect of the sport and began to thrive and impress in the ring at competitions all over the world at a very young age.

Winning his first gold medal at 10 years old in Czech Republic. His career has taken off from there winning numerous world titles multiple times in his career.

Now at the age of 38 he continuous to strive to give back and pass along his knowledge to all his students in hopes they can experience the love, appreciation and drive he has for the sport.

Robbie received his black belt at the age of 9 years old.

Robbie currently holds his 3rd degree black belt and has been teaching and passing along his knowledge for many years not only to his students but to his family members as well.

With his sister & wife holding onto black belts and world titles of their own, Robbie is hoping his two children will certainly follow in the family footsteps.

Since retiring from being inside the Sport Karate ring last year in 2023, Rob is now signed into his professional career with the respected Karate Combat league where he continues to remain victorious in all his fights thus far.

Robs main focus and goal is now to help build a competitive and successful school with his business partner Ben Clarke whom he has been training with for years. The dream for Rob has always been to “put everything he has out there” and he certainly is doing so. We are proud to have Robbie and Ben working together as a team in order to help the children of our community be more confident in themselves, feel secure & safe & hopefully can be that push of “drive” to see some great things out of the future students we are excited to work with.

“Thank you to my Mentor Master John Douvris & Peter Douvris as well as Ben Clarke for giving me the opportunity to prolong my legacy in the sport. I will forever be grateful. The journey continues”
