Who Am I?

The True Self  Have you ever asked yourself “Who am I?”, “What should I be doing with this life?”, “How will I know when I’m in the right place?”. I know I do, almost daily.  I recently had the opportunity to chat with a kind soul and member of our Douvris Family Dr. Reesa Packard,…

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Radical Acceptance

Have you ever been so frustrated in a situation that you blow up at someone you care for? Maybe you were rude to someone in a public setting or someone was rude to you? Maybe you lost it on your parents or your children? Maybe this uncertainty we’re experiencing at this time is making you…

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Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Mindfulness with Douvris

Mindfulness is one of the goals of martial arts. It’s an ongoing practice that we learn and improve the longer we’re in the dojo. Martial arts and even kickboxing have been quickly pushed into the category of gym or fitness centre. The physical aspect of the practice, the strength, is often emphasized but anyone who’s…

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