4 Home Exercises To Help With Your Karate Skills

Karate training does not have to stop at the dojo doors! Achieving the dream of becoming a black belt takes years of determination, goal-setting, and of course, proper exercise. If you are looking to elevate your karate level, you can work on yourself both inside and outside of the dojo. Here are five easy and effective home exercises to help with your karate skills.

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Achieving Goals Through Karate: How is it Different?

Much like those classic all-ages toy commercials, goal-setting benefits those aged 1 to 101. Although the goals and the process of achieving them vary with age, the core benefit is the same. Goals are a way of holding one accountable, determining what one wants in life, and keeping one on track.

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10 Karate Terms That You Need to Know

10 Karate Terms

Stemming from a world steeped with deep history and traditions, karate comes with a wealth of lingo. From movements to numbers and all in between, there’s a name for that. How many can you list? Here are 10 karate terms that every student should add to their mental martial arts dictionary.

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